Fashion & AI ART


Fashion meets art.

An extraordinary concept for the men's suit manufacturer Kingshouse. With the help of AI, we have transferred our models into imaginary paintings by famous artists. Whether Picasso, Dali, van Gogh or the modern ones like Warhol or Banksy, there are no limits to your imagination.
Fashion photography has developed over time from the pure depiction of fashion to a real art form. The focus is no longer exclusively on presenting a piece of clothing beautifully, it is about celebrating fashion and conveying a certain attitude to life - through eccentric poses, unusual perspectives, extravagant settings. With a lot of effort and expertise, a fantasy world is created, a stage made of colors, lighting effects and props.

The challenge is not the "what" but the "how".
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We help you to stand out from the crowd with an extraordinary concept and leave a distinctive mark. Colorful and crazy or mystical and unique.